This is a high volume program that incorporates advanced skills, strength work, olympic weightlifting, tons of accessory work, metabolic and zone2 conditioning pieces.

Take your training to the next level

This program is for experienced CrossFitters ready for higher skills and more volume.

This program is a reflection of everything we learned training and compeated at the Crossfit Games for 8-years, maintaing a top spot year after year.

It takes a ton of hard work to compete, and we also understand the importance of avoiding injuries. Accessory work is a key component in this program to help increase rep volume and break though strength plateaus and keep your body healthy.

Structured and Effective Training Blocks

Instead of tiring you out with metcon after metcon, we prioritize quality. We've segmented the training days into blocks, each focusing on a different aspect of your fitness:

Each day starts with a general warm-up routine.

Morning Mono
A staple is morning mono structural workout to build your engine.

Strength Work
Progression based strength work to develop top end strength.

Structured conditioning session with a wide variety of movements, time domains and workout structure.

Skill Work
Devoting time to learning/improving CrossFit skills with targeted practice outside of metcons.

Accessory Work
Round off training sessions with accessory exercises to stay healthy.

Optional Extra Work
Up to more? Optional extra components to push your limits further.

One App, One Membership, Infinite Possibilities

Joining the IBEX family means access to all of our programs. You can follow programs as written, or combine them with another program to perfectly match your goals.

Train on Your Terms

It doesn't mater where you workout.. We have programs to keep your goals on track.

Customizable and Personalized Training
Your fitness journey is unique, and we understand that. Personalize your workout plan, track your progress in real time, you can reach out to us, or the community any time!

Connect and Thrive
Join the IBEX community and private Facebook group. Share your journey, celebrate wins, and join in exciting challenges!

Start Your Competitive Journey NOW!

Start changing the way you look, feel, and perform. Sign up today and get a full week absolutely FREE!

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