IBEX60 Strength & Conditioning

A flagship Strength and Conditioning (crossfit style) program that has been evolving for 7 years, and put thousands of members through workouts!

Dynamic Workouts, Structured progressions, Maximum Results

This is a comprehensive strength and conditioning program thousands athletes have have followed since 2016. This program can be completed in 60 Minutes or Less!

It includes a warm up, strength, a conditioning workout, and accessory work every day.

IBEX60 maximizes your 60 min workout session

Every day starts with a short general warmup to get your blood flowing and muscles ready.

Strength/Skill Work
Improve your lifting skills with a strength component that alternates between squats, deadlifts, pressing, and bodybuilding.

Metabolic Conditioning Piece
These are structured workouts, not random movements.

Accessory Work/Bodybuilding
Wrap up training with accessory work that may include mono-structural conditioning, bodybuilding/accessory exercises, or core work.

While the structure remains constant, the specifics of each day's workouts and strength exercises will vary widely, ensuring you an experience that never feels stale.

One App, One Membership, Endless Possibilities

Joining the IBEX family means access to all of our programs. You can follow programs as written, or combine them with another program to perfectly match your goals.

Train on Your Terms

It doesn't mater where you workout.. We have programs to keep your goals on track.

Customizable and Personalized Training
Your fitness journey is unique, and we understand that. Personalize your workout plan, track your progress in real time, you can reach out to us, or the community any time!

Connect and Thrive
Join the IBEX community and private Facebook group. Share your journey, celebrate wins, and join in exciting challenges!

Start Your Fitness Journey NOW!

Jump-start your fitness journey with the IBEX! Sign up today, download the app and get a full week absolutely FREE! Start changing the way you look, feel, and perform.

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