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Access to 10+ programs

Science backed progressions, focused on emphasizing compound movements and high-volume accessory work.

Your Coaches

Kristi & Patrick


Real Life Experience

  • Kristi & Patrick's lives revolve around health & fitness. Over the past 15 years they have put in countless miles and reps both training and competing.
  • IBEX Training's physical gym location in Columbus, Ohio was established 2016 where they spent 8+ years & countless hours building a community, coaching and helping others reach there goals.
  • Youtube is also a passion and a place they share knowledge, and educational content geared towards fitness and nutrition. Their channel has over 20 Million views and counting.
  • Kristi & Patrick's lives revolve around health & fitness. Over the past 15 years they have put in countless miles and reps both training and competing.
  • IBEX Training's physical gym location in Columbus, Ohio was established 2016 where they spent 8+ years & countless hours building a community, coaching and helping others reach there goals.
  • Youtube is also a passion and a place they share knowledge, and educational content geared towards fitness and nutrition. Their channel has over 20 Million views and counting.


  • Competed 7 consecutive years at the CrossFit Games, never finishing outside of the top 15.
  • Hyrox 2024 Pro women's Champion
  • They had the opportunity to train at and learn from the best at Westside Barbell for 2 years, as well as countless other gyms and coaches around the us.

  • Competed 7 consecutive years at the CrossFit Games, never finishing outside of the top 15.
  • Hyrox 2024 Pro women's Champion
  • They had the opportunity to train at and learn from the best at Westside Barbell for 2 years, as well as countless other gyms and coaches around the us.



  • They have raced in multiple triathlons, including the Olympic distance and Half Iron Man events.
  • They have raced in Half & Full marathons, as well as the 50K Ultra Distance.
  • They have raced in multiple triathlons, including the Olympic distance and Half Iron Man events.
  • They have raced in Half & Full marathons, as well as the 50K Ultra Distance.
Start free trial

Member results

One App - 10+ Programs

Strength training: Running : bodybuilding: CrossFit: We combine training principles used to compete with the fittest on earth, with 8+ years of experience working directly with the community to blend programing that is effective and creative.

IBEX Community : Committed to making fitness a lifestyle choice

Our commitment : We are dedicated helping you reach your goals, and making sure you have the resources you need to achieve them.

Member reviews


"Thanks to your help, I am down 19lbs. My lean muscle gains are starting to come in too and I feel so much better. Nothing else has worked, thanks again!!"


"I have been following the Performace Aesthetics program for two months now and I am in love with not only how much better i feel but also how I am starting to look!!"


"I trained the Lift/Run program 6 days a week, and got on a HYROX podium!!"


"From the start of our free trial, my husband and I each have a program, and we love the app. We just wish we found it sooner!!"


"We are loving the program! it's the perfect combo of strength, metcons and accessory all in a timeframe we can manage with our schedules"


"This is the best hybrid traing program I have found, excatly what I was looking for"


"Thanks to your help, I am down 19lbs. My lean muscle gains are starting to come in too and I feel so much better. Nothing else has worked, thanks again!!"


"I have been following the Performace Aesthetics program for two months now and I am in love with not only how much better i feel but also how I am starting to look!!"


"I trained the Lift/Run program 6 days a week, and got on a HYROX podium!!"


"From the start of our free trial, my husband and I each have a program, and we love the app. We just wish we found it sooner!!"


"We are loving the program! it's the perfect combo of strength, metcons and accessory all in a timeframe we can manage with our schedules"


"This is the best hybrid traing program I have found, excatly what I was looking for"


"The programing is awesome, It something I have been trying to find for a while"


"Since following the Lift/Run program, I PRd my 5k and my 5rm strict press in the same week"


"I travle for work and cant always make it to the gym, the different options make it easy. Last week I did the PFA in the hotel gym and it kicked my butt!!"


"Making sure I get enough protein, and consistantly following following the PFA I am starting to see some abs and I feel so strong!!"


"I love the Performace Aesthetics program!! I have done CrossFit for 5 years and just wasnt seeing the results, and didnt feel like I was maximising my time. I feel like i hae re descoverd why I love fitness"


"Your programing is phenomenal, I LOVE the performance aesthetics program and have seen so much progress physically and mentally"


"The programing is awesome, It something I have been trying to find for a while"


"Since following the Lift/Run program, I PRd my 5k and my 5rm strict press in the same week"


"I travle for work and cant always make it to the gym, the different options make it easy. Last week I did the PFA in the hotel gym and it kicked my butt!!"


"Making sure I get enough protein, and consistantly following following the PFA I am starting to see some abs and I feel so strong!!"


"I love the Performace Aesthetics program!! I have done CrossFit for 5 years and just wasnt seeing the results, and didnt feel like I was maximising my time. I feel like i hae re descoverd why I love fitness"


"Your programing is phenomenal, I LOVE the performance aesthetics program and have seen so much progress physically and mentally"

Instagram: 180k @ibex_training