Our training blocks use progressions and variations of the 3 main lifts. Each day includes accessory work that compliments these lifts.

Strength program

This is a 4 day per week program that runs 12 week cycles, focusing entirly on stimulating muscle growth and building long term strength.

variations of the squat, push, and pull are primary lifts.

The supplementary lifts aim to develop stronger shoulders, arms, quads, and hamstrings, and we don't neglect core and mobility work.

Progressive Strength Training

True strength isn't built overnight. This program builds on progressions, taking your current strength levels and pushing the envelope a little further each week.

Sessions start with a general warm up

Main Lifts
All exercises have video demos to insure you always have a refrence for each movement.

Accessory Work
Targeted accessory work that fosters well-rounded strength and aids injury prevention.

One App, One Membership, Infinite Possibilities

Joining the IBEX family means access to all of our programs. You can follow programs as written, or combine them with another program to perfectly match your goals.

Train on Your Terms

It doesn't mater where you workout.. We have programs to keep your goals on track.

Customizable and Personalized Training
Your fitness journey is unique, and we understand that. Personalize your workout plan, track your progress in real time, you can reach out to us, or the community any time!

Connect and Thrive
Join the IBEX community and private Facebook group. Share your journey, celebrate wins, and join in exciting challenges!

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